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Donations to the Glacier Country Pachyderm Club for the Cowboy Ball Auction items (or general donations).
Please support the National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs with your financial contribution! Your donation helps our organization to continue growth and expansion across the United States.
The Pachyderm Foundation --an entity separate and apart from the Pachyderm Clubs-- was formed over 30 years ago by George W. Parker Sr.. George was a strong believer in the necessity of developing young people for future political leaders and he founded the Foundation as a tool to accomplish this mission. The Foundation was established as a 501(C)(3) private foundation to allow for a tax exempt status. This means that individuals can make tax deductible contributions to the The Pachyderm Foundation. [*Consult your personal tax advisor for your deductibility details.]PurposeThe purpose of the Pachyderm Foundation is to promote the development of political leaders. This includes advancing political education and the dissemination of information on the U.S. political system. The primary use of funds is to provide scholarships for students in pursuit of studies that would equip them to make some contribution to the political leadership needs of the nation. Such scholarships are provided without regard to race, religion or partisanship.